Between 16th September and 14th October 2024 we ran an informal consultation on our early-stage plans for Foel Fach Wind Farm.

During this time, we wrote to residents living nearby, held consultation events in Neuadd Mynach and Canolfan Bro Tegid, hosted consultation materials online and sought feedback. The consultation materials remain available to view Project Documents.

We would like to thank everyone who took the time to attend the public consultation events and to complete a feedback form. We are pleased to have met lots of residents during the events and received a good amount of feedback, which is very useful as we continue to develop our plans.

Key findings from the informal consultation

  • Potential visual impact on Eryri National Park was raised as a concern. The closest turbine on our current, draft layout is 1.9 km from the Eryri National Park boundary. The Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment will carefully assess potential views from the national park and consider any potential impact on its International Dark Skies status. Eryri National Park Authority is an important statutory consultee as we develop our plans.
  • Several people told us that they wanted more detailed information about our plans. This informal consultation was held at an early stage in the development process because we wanted to inform the local community of our plans early in the process. We continue to undertake assessments and surveys as we develop our proposal, which means that we do not have all the data or our final design at this stage. We hope that residents found it useful to learn about the project during this early phase.
  • Respondents welcomed potential benefits for the local economy in terms of supply chain and jobs, the community benefit fund and our shared ownership partnership with Ripple Energy.

Next steps

We are continuing to undertake assessments and surveys and develop our plans. We aim to undertake the statutory pre-application consultation in summer 2025, when we will present our revised plans and draft planning application.

The project website will be updated regularly as the project moves forward.

Although the consultation has ended, we welcome feedback and enquiries at any time. Please contact the project team via the Get in Touch page.